Damn Vape Doom X Glass Tube

2,01 €


ДООМ Кс Стаклени Тубе & НБСП; дизајниран је за проклету Вапе Доом Кс РТА. Има три врсте капацитета: 2мл, 5,5 мл и 8мл. Користите дебљи памук са 8 мл стакло мехурићима. 1пц по паковању. Спецификације: Бренд проклетих вапе Назив производа Доом к Гласс Тубе капацитет 2мл / 5.5мл / 8мл Одговара проклетих вапе доом к рта количина 1пц по паковању Садржај пакета: 1 * проклетих вапе доом К стаклена цев



Very good. Impressive and convenient. I admire the hard work you have put into the creation of the website.


can't decide whether to do it now or save it in wish-list for later. came here for this but I see some other products on sale that I may need in the closest future. Anyway, the prices on Vawoo are surprisingly low. Hope it is true because I won't be able to tolerate another scam (was on the wrong website). Thanks.


I consider myself a real survivor after I have successfully overcome the sale period on this website. I have managed to save some money on my card even though I really wanted to buy it all.


A true life-saver. Vawoo has literally helped me out with the fast delivery. I was very late with the birthday present for a friend of mine and I really hoped it would be on time but it wasn't. Then somebody I know told me about Vawoo. And Vawoo has saved my situation. I am still grateful for that moment.


I am a proud owner of Damn Vape Doom X RTA so this glass tube will be great for it. Have read the instructions, the description and the feedback and I am more than sure it is what I need.


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