Vapefly Mime's Masterful Tool Bag

57,37 €


вапефли миме мастер торба за алат. Функције: 1. Пројекат сарадње између Вапефли и немачког 103 2. Потрага за израдом израде и квалитетом 3. Супер погодан са 2 у 1 прибор за додатну опрему 4. 17 Алати задовољава све ваше потребе за обновом Марка: Вапефли Јединица: 1 сет Паковање: једноставно паковање Сваки сет садржи: 1пц дијагонални клијери 1пц игле-носе клијери 1пц шкаре 1пц СцратДривер Флатхеад 1пц пхиллипс одвијач 1пц хек одвијач 1.3 1пц хек сцрецкдривер 1.5 1пц керамички пинције 1пц Твеезерс 1пц цолинг кит 1пц цоил род 1пц четкица за чишћење цоил-а 1пц закривљена игла Алат за подрезивање 1ПЦ завојница 1пц држач за атомизер 1пц силиконска трака 1пц торба алата 1пц ејуице Потварач за флаше 1пц Тханкс Цард



Not really a fan of this tool bag but it is useful to me in a way. It was just extra item that I bought so it is fine I guess.


I thank my friends for showing me the cheap side of vaping. Vawoo, you are a blessing to my account, lol. Saving quite a lot with you.


Want to rank this product very high because it deserves to be popular. but I do understand it is hard to stand out on this website because there are millions of items here and most of them have very good feedback.


Oh no. Not out of stock please. I really wanted to have it. Costs almost nothing and I think it can be useful really. Items like this can be rarely found anywhere else. Upset now ...


Have pointed out a couple of advantages that I would like to share with you. First of all, this website is easy to navigate. Not difficult at all for a newcomer like myself to understand that section to look in and how to choose a good seller from the ranked ones. Then I have read the terms and conditions (which I do study all the time) and it seems to be trust-worthy. Plus the reviews are quite positive 99% of the time which I find more than great. Looks like a good market to me.


Type (from option)
Tool Bag